Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Henrietta Pussycat

Meow meow so I'm writing meow a piece meow meow for my website meow about 1970s children's television meow and its meow impact meow meow on the return to dense urban meow centers.

So, in the process I have been watching old episodes of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Sesame Street, and the Electric Company. Mr. Roger's Neighborhood is by the far the most excellent children's television program of the three and possibly at all...ever. I highly recommend revisiting the old episodes. Be careful! You might learn somethin'! Ooh. I need to add Fat Albert to the list as well.

Here's a link to the Mister Roger's Neighborhood page about Henrietta Pussycat, clearly my favorite character.


emrys said...

meow rogers can be meowprisingly meowphisticated and psychologicmeowly insightful meow meow.

Unknown said...

Meow meow love meow picture of meow Rogers and meow pussycat...meow!